Holy crap! It's a new episode of Radio Free Burrito!
This show is all about Jonathan Coulton, because it's the First of May.
Show Notes:- The logo was designed by WWdN:iX reader Marc, who asked that I not link to his "in progress" website. Thanks, Marc!
- I drop at least one F-bomb in this show, so you probably shouldn't listen to it around little kids, people with sensitive ears, or at work. Especially if you work in a daycare for kids with sensitive ears. (Hi, Agnes!)
- I encourage you to visit Jonathan Coulton dot Com.
- You may want to examine all the songs produced for the Thing A Week series.
- I know you want to give JoCo shiny gold rocks in exchange for musical and clothical items.
- The video for the Flickr song, as promised.
- Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise Crazy, but just be glad it's him, not you.
- Jonathan Coulton Tour information!
- Paul and Storm on the intarwheebs!
- I didn't bother with chapters and all that for this one, because I banged it out in about 30 minutes. (No, I didn't do it outside, despite the song in the show.) In fact, it's taken me longer to put together the show notes than it did to make the show. I think that qualifies me for several government jobs.
- My silly little news item came from Wikinews.
- Here's the original Misty Morning blog entry at WWdN.
- I got the address for the podcast about as wrong as I can get it without sending you to xkcd by instead. In addition to the Feedburner link (which is just the feed for my blog) you can check out all the posts tagged "podcast" here.
- Hey, did I mention that I'm going to be in San Diego this weekend?
- Radio Free Burrito is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
- This episode weighs in at 21.7MB and is about 24 minutes long.
Enjoy the show, everyone!
Download radio_free_burrito_episode_12.mp3