As long as I'm talking about television last night, how great was Heroes?
I know George Takei in real life, and he is an incredibly wonderful man. Like everyone who has been on Star Trek and played a memorable character, he's been heavily associated with that bit of work, even though he's got a lot more going for him as an actor than just a great voice. George is a truly gifted and talented actor, and I was really happy to watch him play Hiro's father and turn in a specific and unique performance. I hope George will get more non-Suluesque work as a result of his work on Heroes; he certainly deserves it.
I don't know how many viewers caught it, but when George gets into his car, the license plate was NCC1701, which made me leap up and holla (holla? that's what you damn kids today say, right?) which confused the hell out of my kids who have threads of geek running through them, but not necessarily the Trekkie threads (I guess it's like the shoemaker's kids being barefoot.)
The whole show was very satisfying to me (not mentioning specifics because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, yet,) and I really hope that they keep moving the story forward without falling into the Lost territory of red herrings and shows that don't advance the plot at all.