I have a theory, and it is mine. It goes like this: When I get up early in the morning and go straight to work, I produce an avalanche of words before I get tired, about nine hours later. When I get up later in the morning and go straight to work, I produce substantially fewer words, and never really feel all that motivated (unless I'm on a non-self imposed deadline) to really crank it out. When I get up early and have to do something - anything - before I go to work, I will be lucky to produce more than 100 words of any worth.
Yesterday and today support that theory. My ribs are nearly all healed, so I could finally go see the chiropractor and get the rest of me, which was knocked out of whack when I was fighting the kangaroo[1] and broke the goddamn ribs. She worked on me for an hour, and put my spine, neck, and jaw (yes, my jaw) back where nature intended them to be. For the first time in just over six weeks, I don't have a sore back and a headache. Yay. Go me.
However, starting out my day at the doctor, then getting some stupid real life stuff done since I was already out of the house has reduced my motivation, fucos, and output to nearly zero.
307 words. That's all I can do today, and it's not even creative writing, it's just this stupid blog post.
Well, there is a lesson hidden in this, I guess: When a talking bear bets you a hundred dollars and a box of wine that you can't go three rounds with a kangaroo, just walk away, man. Just walk away.
[1] This is the official story. If you question this official story, you love the terrorists. That's how it works in America now. You'll just shut up if you know what's good for you, Citizen!