So ... I'm not even going to try to introduce this, because I can't do it justice with my words:
Yes, Angie K., who makes awesome things, figured out a way to make a freaking paint by numbers painting of the infamous Velvet Wesley Crusher painting being held by me, and then she painted it.
Angie K. is awesome (as is Mister Angie K., who is better known as Ted, but will always be Mister Angie K. to me, the way I'll always be "Anne's boyfriend" to our friend Burns!) I saw them at the Phoenix Comicon this weekend, and she gave me this most lovely gift that I was not worthy to receive. I'm not sure if the photo captures its majesty, but the frame matches the fame on the infamous Velvet Wesley Crusher painting almost exactly.
Thank you, Angie K., for nerding up my office that much more!
(Click photo to embiggen, and see the entire set at flickr.)