As promised yesterday, here's a preview clip from Fall of the Blue Beetle, which airs this Friday, January 23 at 8pm on Cartoon Network.
Rather than use up all my bandwidth hosting it myself, I'm using this embedded player that Comicmix has kindly made available. Check it out:
Feel free to put it on your own blog, and see if you can be a subtle I am when you remind people that it airs this Friday, January 23, at 8pm on the Cartoon Network. Pro tip: be really careful with how frequently and obviously you tell people to tune-in, because it could get a little tiresome if you're not.
For example, try something like this:
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Wil Wheaton plays Ted Kord, the Silver-Age Blue Beetle on Batman The Brave and the Bold this Friday, January 23, at 8pm on Cartoon Network!
Yeah, that'll do.