So this happened last night. I told the tale in pictures and captions on Twitter, and I'm putting it here for the ages. For science. You monster.
Hey, Seamus, you're in my spot.
Me: Seamus, move! Seamus: But I'm watching Colbert Report!
Me: Seamus won't move. Riley: Well, duh. He's watching Colbert Report.
Me: Sea- Watson: Can't talk. Sleeping. Me: You sleep all day! Watson: And I'm sleeping now. Correction. TRYING to sleep
Luna: I may appear to be sleeping, but rest assured that I will still murder your face if you disturb me. Me: oooookay.
So this is how Seamus and I decided to compromise on the whole couch situation.
At times like this, I am grateful that I am so easily amused.